Sunday, November 13, 2011

Emotion of Anger.

Emotion can sometimes be the results of our thoughts.Any event that occurs in our life, can be thought about in a negative, or a positive light. A video on Seneca, the ancient philosopher, thought that we can learn to prevent certain emotions from getting the best of us, if we are prepared. In his belief, emotions come from our cognitive evaluations of situations. He believed that the emotion of anger, is a result of a fact that we are unprepared for the little everyday annoyances that life supplies us with. We do not think pessimistic enough, or not at all about all the things that could go wrong - we are not prepared for anything but the good. When something that we do not plan occurs, we feel surprised, and as a result of that we often feel disappointed, helpless and angry. This connects to the theory of emotions of Lazarus. His theory states that a thought must be processed, before any emotion can be detected. In other words, you have to think about the situation you are in - either in a positive, negative or neutral way -  before you can experience emotion. What both of these men hint at is the fact, that your emotion rise from your thoughts on the specific emotion. And you can change your thoughts, so your emotions have to be changeable as well. Basically, the same idea has risen, in different time periods. Could it have something to it? What Seneca has been trying to do, is coach people not to give into anger, or deep negative emotions. His ideas help Lazarus' theory in many ways. He pointed out that often, people have too high of expectations that can are almost never met. And I agree. One way to learn how to be "more happy" and calm down is to not to always expect the best. This sounds a little demotivating, but when things turn out be better then you thought - you are happy, and suddenly the whole day is pleasant. " If you cannot change it - ACCEPT IT and don't stress."

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